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How are bioidentical hormones dosed?

Written by Dr. Christopher Brown - January 23, 2023

Bioidentical hormones are a customized form of hormones that are identical to the hormones produced by our body. The dosing of bioidentical hormones is customized as well. The dosage of bioidentical hormones varies from person to person as everyone’s hormone levels and imbalances differ. In this answer, I will discuss how bioidentical hormones are dosed.

What are bioidentical hormones?
Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are synthesized from plant estrogens, and their molecular structure is identical to the hormones present in our body. Bioidentical hormones are marketed as a customized version of hormones that can help alleviate symptoms of hormone imbalance. These hormones are often prescribed to women who are experiencing symptoms of menopause or people with hormone imbalances.

Customized Dosage
Bioidentical hormones have a customized dosage, which is different for everyone. Before prescribing bioidentical hormones, a healthcare provider will perform hormone testing to check hormone levels in the body. With these test results, the healthcare provider will determine the right dosage needed to raise or lower hormone levels.

The dosage of bioidentical hormones varies depending on the type of hormones prescribed. The most commonly prescribed hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Depending on the patient's hormone imbalance, a combination of these hormones may be used, and the dosage may vary accordingly.

Forms of Bioidentical Hormones
Bioidentical hormones are available in various forms such as pills, creams, gels, injections, and pellets. Each form has a different way of dosing. For example, pills are often taken at specific times during the day, while creams or gels may need to be applied daily.

Blood testing and hormone levels
Blood testing is the main diagnostic tool used to check hormone levels in the blood. Blood tests can help a healthcare provider determine a patient's hormone imbalance and adjust the dosage of bioidentical hormone therapy accordingly.

The role of healthcare providers
Healthcare providers play a critical role in dosing bioidentical hormones. These healthcare professionals will typically perform a physical exam, review a patient's medical history, and order blood tests to determine the right dosage for each patient.

Side effects
Like all medications, bioidentical hormones may have side effects. Common side effects of bioidentical hormones can include hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, and acne.

Benefits of using bioidentical hormones
Despite the side effects, bioidentical hormones have several benefits. These include managing mood swings, hot flashes, increased energy, and improved libido.

Risks of using bioidentical hormones
Bioidentical hormones may have risks similar to traditional hormone replacement therapy. There is a risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart attack. These risks can be mitigated by dosing the appropriate amount of hormone therapy and regular monitoring of hormone levels.

Hormone Treatment Center
Hormone Treatment Center is a hormone replacement clinic that specializes in helping patients balance their hormones through bioidentical hormones. The clinic utilizes advanced hormone testing and has an experienced team of healthcare professionals who can help determine the right dosage of hormones for each patient. Hormone Treatment Center ensures that each patient receives a customized treatment plan.

In conclusion, the dosage of bioidentical hormones is customized to meet the needs of each individual patient. Bioidentical hormones are available in different forms, and the dosage will vary depending on the type of hormone prescribed. It is essential to work with a healthcare provider experienced in hormone replacement therapy to get optimal results. Finally, Hormone Treatment Center is an excellent option for anyone who wants to explore bioidentical hormone therapy.

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